Note: This page contains only basic info about our town, Society and Branch. For further information and more details, please contact our Presidency.
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    Pozarevac is a town 80 km on south - east from Serbian capitol, Belgrade. It has a population of near 50.000 citizens and it is administrative, industrial, medical, educational and traffic center for wider region of Branicevo (Region in Eastern Serbia with population over 250.000). Pozarevac has 5 elementary schools and 5 secondary (high) schools (Gymnasium, Medical school, Agricultural School, Technical school andSchool of Economics). There is aso a 2 - years college for technology and engineering. Pozarevac is placed on the edge of large plain, named "Stig", which is rich in agriculture. Most known  factory in Pozarevac is "Bambi", major Serbian producer of cookies and food supplements. Also, wider area of Pozarevac is known for surface coal mine in Kostolac and termo-energetical power plant. Transport is another profitable industry in Pozarevac. Being close to Romanian border and close to Danube river, it is a crossroad for many lines of railway, bus, truck and water transport.

Central Park in Pozarevac, with monument of Prince Milos Obrenovic, who provided Serbian independence from Turkish Otoman empire in mid 19th century. Milosh made Pozarevac his summer residence, and practically, the capitol of new liberated Serbia. Serbia was a big empire from 13th to 15th century, during the Dinasty of Nemanjic. During the time of Serbian Czar Dushan "The Great", his empire reached the Aegean Sea. After defeat in Battle of Kosovo (1389), Serbian state fell under Turkish dominance and remained in slavery till 19th century. Rare historical documents from this "dark age" mention Pozarevac as the place where  the "Peace Treaty" among Austro - Hungarian and Turkish Empire was signed, after a war in second half of 18th century. 

Pozarevac is known throughout the Balkan and Europe for its "Ljubicevo Equestrian Games", held every first weekend of September. The most interesting part of these games is "equestrian traditional pentathlon". Pictured here is one of competitors, wearing replica of traditional garment.


Our society exists for over 130 years. It gathers all medical doctors in Serbia. Pozarevac Branch gathers over 400 medical doctors and dentists, active in wide region of Brancevo, providing public and private healthcare for over 200.000 people.  More info about our activities you can get from webmaster or from our Secretary. Thank you.

Our mailing address:
Srpsko Lekarsko Drustvo - Podruznica Pozarevac
Ul. Bratstva Jedinstva
12000 Pozarevac
Phones: +381 (0)12 - 221-593,  +381 (0)12 - 530-588
E-mail: sldpoz@ptt.yu
Webmaster: ikiliki@ptt.yu